Wednesday, December 9, 2009

5 W and 1 H in Dental Practice!

WHY? People don't visit dentist!

WHAT? Stops them to visit dentist!

WHERE? People go first!

WHEN? People should go to a dentist!

WHO? should visit a dentist!

HOW? They should overcome their fears, apprehensions and hesitations!
People go either in pain or in emergency! WHY?

People go first to a chemist to have the symptomatic relief! They are self-medicating themselves and giving invitation to resistant bacteria which is a threat to the patient itself and other people too.

People go for curative treatment rather than preventive ! WHY?

People will be spending more for their nature of procrastination i.e., delaying the problem.
For example : 1) If the patient has a pit or small cavity in the tooth, he waits till he feels the pain rather than getting that small cavity to be filled. The result is - tooth has undergone so much decay that it can't be cured with simple filling and patient has to undergo R.C.T(Root canal Treatment) or Extraction of tooth! In a sense , patient has to spend more and has to suffer more pain just by delaying the treatment.
2) If the Child patient especially, during mixed dentition period i.e., 6-11 years of age has malaligned teeth then child should visit a dentist because some problems which can be prevented by giving appliances at that age ,can become serious problem later on .
3) If the patient has an edentulous space i.e., space created due to a missing tooth ,then one should go for artificial prosthesis as soon as possible. Otherwise, the other teeth adjacent to the created space will tilt or supraerupt into that space. In a sense, the whole dentition will get affected just by one missing tooth or to put it in other words , just by delaying the treatment.
" With delay or procrastination, you are inviting more trauma to yourself and to your pocket".
Visit your Dentist every six months. So that your Dentist might tell you the problem which you are not aware of.
Keep smiling!

Friday, October 2, 2009

STOP! Drinking "SOFT DRINKS" Now OR You will be looser

Guess! What's the pH of soft drinks?
It's 3.4 , the acidity is strong enough to dissolve teeth and bones. And you will be amazed to know that if you put a broken tooth in a bottle of any soft drink , it will dissolve in 10 days.Can you believe it ? On the other hand, the fact is teeth are the strongest part in your body which remains intact for years even after your death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to your soft intestines and stomach lining?
Our human body stops building bones at the age of about 30. So, you can imagine the effects of soft drinks on your teeth and bones. Soft drinks do not have any nutrition value in terms of vitamins and minerals. It is high in sugar content , carbonic acid, chemicals. colors etc. Our body needs an optimum temperature of 37 degree centigrade for digestive enzyme functioning. The temperature of cold soft drinks is very much below 37 degree centigrade or even close to zero degree centigrade. This will dilute the enzymes and stress the digestive system. The food taken will not be digested. In fact it will be fermentated ! The fermented food produces gases, decays and become toxin which gets absorbed by the intestine, circulates in the blood stream and is carried to the whole body. Hence toxins cumulated in other parts of the body, developing into various diseases. Think! Before you drink soft drinks.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A dentist could be your most important doctor!

The Checkup That Can Save Your Life- A Dental Checkup!

Your mouth is a window of your overall health . A timely dental checkup can detect undetected or undiagnosed systemic/oral diseases which can be life threatening if goes undiagnosed. A few to name are oral tumors(cancers), Cysts etc.,.......

Regular Dental checkups can pay off in other ways too. Dentists can spot signs of diabetes and heart disease, along with a variety of skin and autoimmune diseases. It can mean early diagnosis and early treatment- vital, especially if it's cancer. All of which means that your dentist can do much more than save your teeth and gums. He/She can save your life.
"Oral cancer is extremely dangerous and disfiguring. Its incidence in India is relatively high." WHY......?
"Most Indians haven't ever been to a dentist. People go to one only in pain".
"Only two decades ago, Indians had fewer dental caries than we do today".

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Myth No.4

Myth No.4 - Oral Health Doesn't Affect Overall health !
Fact - When the gums are infected, bacterial by-products can enter the blood stream and travel to major organs causing other problems. Research suggests that this may contribute to a number of undesirable conditions including heart diseases such as rheumatic fever and creating life threatening infections in previously damaged heart valves. What's more, scientists believe the resulting inflammation releases infection-fighting compounds that can inadvertently damage
other tissues. The arteries may be the most common target. People with periodontitis were twice as likely to die from a heart attack and three times as likely to die from a stroke according to a study that examined 18 years of medical histories.
Pregnant women with serious periodontal disease have about four times the risk of delievering preterm babies , and they face an increased risk of preeclampsia, in which blood pressure climbs sky-high after the 20th week, threatening the lives of both mother and foetus. Researchers found treating seriously infected gums reduces preterm births five folds. In pregnant women , even the mildest form of periodontitis can flare up and become a big problem later on.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Myth No.3

Myth : Upper teeth extraction affects the eyes !
Fact : There are numerous reasons for this perception mainly because pain and swelling of an upper tooth radiates towards the cheek bones and lower portion of the eyes; therefore the correlation. The teeth are normally extracted in middle/old age when the eyesight is in any case getting weaker.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Myth No. 2

Myth No. 2 : Wisdom tooth should be saved under any circumstances !
Fact : The wisdom tooth or last molar is so called because they erupt at an age which we relate with maturity. If these teeth are erupting in a straight pattern then we definitely don't extract them but if these teeth erupt in wayward places or positions, they may start creating a problem for the adjoining bone and teeth and are best removed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Myths - Busted !

Myth NO. 1 : Teeth get loose after professional teeth cleaning.
Fact : Regular cleaning like bathing is a must, one cannot clean all the surfaces of a tooth effectively hence professional cleaning is an important adjunct to home aids. Proper cleaning does not damage the teeth enamel which is the hardest substance in the body ; on the contrary scaling strengthens gums by removing hard food deposits i.e., tartar which is responsible for the loss of bone resulting in tooth loss eventually. Thus regular cleaning helps in maintaining good oral health plus also controls inflammatory systemic disorders like respiratory disorders.
Look forward for more myths to be busted............

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A perfect smile- makes the first impression......contd.

  • To maximise the benefits of chewing gum, chew after meals or after eating something sweet , especially when you can't brush like after lunch !
  • Chewing gum cannot be a substitute for brushing but can be an adjunct.
  • Visit your dentist every six months for routine cleaning and check ups to ensure oral health.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A perfect smile - makes first impression at yr. workplace!

  • Avoid sticky foods and drinks like colas & coffee.
  • Flossing is as important as brushing.
  • clean your tongue regularly.
  • Use mouthwash after every meal.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum can help teeth by stimulating saliva. To be contd.......

Friday, July 10, 2009

Orange juice is worse than Bleaching!

The orange juice and other acidic fruit juices are more harmful for the enamel of your teeth than the Hydrogen peroxide, present in the bleaching(Teeth Whitening) gels used by your dentist!

Thursday, July 9, 2009