WHAT? Stops them to visit dentist!
WHERE? People go first!
WHEN? People should go to a dentist!
WHO? should visit a dentist!
HOW? They should overcome their fears, apprehensions and hesitations!
People go either in pain or in emergency! WHY?
People go first to a chemist to have the symptomatic relief! They are self-medicating themselves and giving invitation to resistant bacteria which is a threat to the patient itself and other people too.
People go for curative treatment rather than preventive ! WHY?
People will be spending more for their nature of procrastination i.e., delaying the problem.
For example : 1) If the patient has a pit or small cavity in the tooth, he waits till he feels the pain rather than getting that small cavity to be filled. The result is - tooth has undergone so much decay that it can't be cured with simple filling and patient has to undergo R.C.T(Root canal Treatment) or Extraction of tooth! In a sense , patient has to spend more and has to suffer more pain just by delaying the treatment.
2) If the Child patient especially, during mixed dentition period i.e., 6-11 years of age has malaligned teeth then child should visit a dentist because some problems which can be prevented by giving appliances at that age ,can become serious problem later on .
3) If the patient has an edentulous space i.e., space created due to a missing tooth ,then one should go for artificial prosthesis as soon as possible. Otherwise, the other teeth adjacent to the created space will tilt or supraerupt into that space. In a sense, the whole dentition will get affected just by one missing tooth or to put it in other words , just by delaying the treatment.
" With delay or procrastination, you are inviting more trauma to yourself and to your pocket".
Visit your Dentist every six months. So that your Dentist might tell you the problem which you are not aware of.
Keep smiling!